Arras: Divide and Conquer

Here are some exerpts from the EOG statements in Arras, which demonstrate why no defense line developed against me [Charlie Eldred]; namely, because France [Gordon Aickin] and England [Kevin Hughes] hated each other!

Broadcast message from Burgundy in 'arras':

EOG statement.

I don't have a lot to say. I conducted almost no Diplomacy. Apparently I am the "victim" of English hatred towards France.

. . . I took Scotland, I think, because England didn't like France and wanted him to lose. . .

Broadcast message from England in 'arras':

Hey! I'll let you know that I really like the hundred variant. The games are quick and furious and every single turn counts.

It was extremely interesting to me how this entire game was fought between myself, England, and France, with Burgundy picking up the pieces. I was put on the defensive in the first move since my plans with France fell through, and I ended up supporting Burgundy. I think it was easy for myself to become so enthralled with punishing France that I lost sight of Burgundy. . .

Broadcast message from France in 'arras':

EOG from R.Gordon Aickin as France

First I would like to say that I also enjoyed the variant and will be playing it again. It has several good points which make it interesting -- the need to be able to make your enemy into your friend being one.

. . . England Yes I attacked you on the first turn. You have to attack some one and there are only two to chose from. You hardly expected me to say up front you were an enemy and I intended to kick you out of France immediately?

I had arranged a combined attack with Burgundy but when the time came to move he just sat back and waited. (I was wrong -- you need attack no one.)

This was realy my down fall as I was expecting Burgundy to move west but he went south instead.

I then got into a big fight with France and we just gave the game to Burgundy we did not trust each other and kept fighting untill it was too late.

I was caught out by just how quickly the game went. I did not realise how close The Victory was until it was far to late. I think that with a better knowledge of the variant players will be more aware and see the need to switch sides. I believe that the two of us could have stoped Burgundy but we just did not even try. Too busy fighting.

Congratulations to Gundi an a masterful strategy and thanks to all (both) for a good game.

Broadcast message from Burgundy in 'arras':

. . . In fact, at the end, England told me that he wasn't attacking me to get back at France. . .

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