by John Kyker

This variant takes inspiration from many existing variants. Many of the map changes are derived from Baron Powell's 1900 variant; other sources of inspiration include the Crowded variant, and variants that have introduced new powers in Scandinavia and Spain. The author would like to offer a big thanks to everyone who provided suggestions and input, and especially to Chrispminis.

Struggle of Nations Map

(Click for a full-size view in a separate window)

This variant uses the standard Diplomacy Rules, with a victory condition of 26 SCs.

New Regions and their Abbreviations

Moldova MolMacedonia MacNavarre Nav
Nicosia NicSardinia SarBelgrade BdeMadrid Mad
Palestine PalSwitzerland SwiAthens AthSeville Sei
Crete CreTransylvania TraCologne ColIceland Ice
Georgia GeoBosnia BosAlsace AlsIreland Ire
Morocco MorStraits of Gibraltar SoGStockholm StoFrench North Africa FnA
Algiers AlgThrace ThrLigurian Sea LiSCilician Sea CiS
Siberia SibSofia SofOslo OslUlster Uls
Saxony SaxSlovenia SloSea of Azov SoAValencia Val
Norrbotten NorGulf of Taranto GoTSicily SicGulf of Finland GoF
Vasteras VasScotland Sea ScS

There are ten Great Powers in this variant, which begin as follows:

Austria:A Bud, A Tri, A Vie
Balkan League:A Bde, A Sof, F Ath
Britain:F Lvp, F Edi, F Lon, F Nic
FranceA Par, A Mar, F Bre, F Alg
GermanyA Col, A Ber, A Mun, F Kie
ItalyA Ven, F Rom, F Nap
Ottoman Empire
A Con, A Smy, F Ank
RussiaA Mos, A War, F StP/sc, F Sev
SpainA Mad, A Vas, F Sei
Sweden-NorwayA Sto, A Val, F Osl

A brief description of these countries follows:

  • Austria-Hungary: The largest empire in Europe next to Russia, its industries and armies are strong. But, are they strong enough to overcome hostile neighbors and dissent within the Empire?

  • Britain: The most powerful nation on the planet with the largest empire and navy in the World but, suddenly there was a cold icy wind blowing with Britain�s traditional industry advantage gone. However the Empire is still strong, powerful enough to create a new empire in Europe; Perhaps.

  • Balkan League: Through this alliance had only short-term goals in mind and the members did not trust each other. The League represented a dramatic shift in power in the Balkans.

  • France: A dynamic power with goals in Alsace, the Mediterranean, and the Atlantic. However, it is doubtful if it could win against Britain or more alarmingly Germany in a one-on-one fight. Could you shatter these doubts?

  • Germany: The most dangerous state in Europe with massive armies and industry centered in the middle of the continent. Germany is poised to create a domination of Europe. Can they do it?

  • Italy: An ambitious nation but still the �disadvantaged latecomer.� Can Italy rise to the glory of a second Roman Empire?

  • Ottoman Empire: �The sick man of Europe� is losing its grip on its empire. However, the Ottomans are down but, not out…

  • Russia: The largest empire in Europe with an endless supply of manpower and rich lands to support any bid for power. However, Russia is weak with its people uneducated and filled with radicals ready to overthrow the Empire. Can you as overcome these problems and steamroll across Europe?

  • Spain: Long since been put into a second-tier status in World power terms. However, it�s still a strong nation with soldiers solid and stubborn, which they proved in the Rif War and the Spanish-American War.

  • Sweden-Norway: A union born out of the chaos of the Napoleon era. It is a power not to be cut out of the picture. With attempts of annexing Denmark and Finland during the late 19th century. Perhaps the only thing needed is a strong leader…

John Kyker
([email protected])

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