The Diplomatic Pouch

Analysis for Fall of 1906 in gauntlet

Dear Rick,

I could try something fancy this season and move F(ION)-ADR, F(TYS)-ION. However I would look pretty stupid if this was the season when Austria actually attacked me and I ended up losing Greece... In some respects I hope that Austria orders a supported attack into Tyrolia, standing me out --- leaving Piedmont is slightly risky as Italy has the worrying option of occupying it, but this probably wouldn't go anywere as France would capture Mar before Italy could threaten one of my Italian centers.

Let me go on record for one last time --- I never wanted to attack Austria. I am only attacking Austria now as a direct result of their foreign policy. It will be interesting to see if Russia comes off the fence once I start to pound Austria. I'm saddened that my westerly fleets policy has come to an end. Still, F(MAO) could prove to be a very useful piece latter on in the game!


Dear Rick,

I originally intended building F(Smy). However I decided that in the long term F(BLA) and A(Arm) is a better setup than F(BLA) and F(Arm), two northern fleets aren't constructive and it would take too long to move one westwards. Next season will finally see F(Con) moving out of port. Mark.

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Last updated on Mon, July 13, 1998.