
A diplomatic game about wars in the wake of the death of Alexandros the Great.

Jean-Marc Zaninetti

English Translation by Pascal Boulerie

1. Introduction
2. Origin of the game
3. Map

3.1 Physical aspects of the map
3.2 Human aspects
4. Political aspects
4.1 Win conditions
4.2 Means of victory
4.3 Personages
4.4 Victory points
4.5 Victory
4.6 Elimination
4.7 Dynasties
5. Revenues

5.1 Treasures
5.2 Regular tributes
5.3 Adjustment of military units
6. Orders and events

6.1 Events and orders year by year
6.2 Events
6.3 Orders
7. Details
8. Diadokhoi variants for less than 6 players

1. Introduction

Diadokhoi is a simulation game about the wars that followed the death of Alexandros the Great, from the treaty at Triparadeisos in the year - 321 until the final dismantlement of the Macedonian empire.

6 of the most powerful generals of Alexandros strife as followers (Diadokhoi) of the Conqueror. Each of them wants to control for his own profit the Universal Empire. They are :
- Antipatros, the Regent, in Pella, Macedonia.
- Lysimachos ("the avaricious"), satrap of Thracia.
- Antigonos Monophtalmos (the "one-eyed"), satrap of Great Phrygia.
- Eumenes of Kardia, challenged satrap of Cappadocia, a Greek.
- Ptolemaios, satrap of Egypt (the future king Ptolemaios the First Sôter).
- Seleukos Nikator ("victor"), satrap of Babylonia.

There are 6 players. Each player represents a general of Alexandros. The objective of each player is to establish a stable kingdom, based on the possession of major cities and strongholds, which are vital parts of the Macedonian empire.

The win conditions are :
- to control members of the royal Argeades family of Macedonia,
- to keep control of one's own capital city,
- to gain control of the main citadels of the empire and the capital cities of other players.
There are between 39 (at most) and 20 (at least) victory points.

A player wins when he has the absolute majority of available victory points at the end of one game turn. A shorter game can be agreed upon in 5 years (15 military seasons and 4 winter adjustments). A mutual agreement can be met by all players to end the game with a shared victory.

2. Origin of the game

It is a variant of the game Machiavelli, which was itself derived from Diplomacy. Several rules are taken from Diplomacy. Therefore, players familiar with these games will find Diadokhoi an easy game to play.

3. Map

3.1 Physical aspects of the map

Extent of the map

The map represents the eastern Mediterranean sea and the Near East. It is divided into 76 provinces (marine and land provinces). There are different types of land provinces. Marine provinces are subject to sea storms.

Special land provinces

There are 3 kinds of special land provinces :
- flood plains,
- mountains (covered with snow in winter),
- deserts.
These provinces are sensitive to the climate : floods, snow storms and sand storms.

Obstacles : rivers and mountains

There are linear obstacles between adjacent provinces. They are : rivers, when flooded, or mountains (effect on supporting units). If there is a large mountain pass, the mountainous terrain has no effect on the units which can cross the mountains through that pass. The rule about mountains refers to the advantage held by guerrilla forces or mountaineers tribes in mountains.

Assyria and Mesopotamia, Cappadocia and Commagena

Normally, the river between Assyria and Mesopotamia can be crossed.But if there is a flood, armies have to cross through the mountains (no support is then allowed). The same applies for the boundary between Cappadocia and Commagena.

Floods and storms

Floods, sand and snow storms have no influence on fleets. But armies are trapped in the affected provinces. No army can move into or from such a province.

Special physical features

Provinces with several coasts : Libya (w.c. and e.c.), Attica (e.c. and w.c.) and Thracia (w.c., s.c. and e.c.). They have several coasts which are clearly separated from each other. A fleet located on a given coast in such a province can move or give support only into provinces adjacent to that coast. For example, a fleet in Attica (w.c.) can move to the Ionian sea, but not to Thessalia. A fleet in Attica (e.c.) can move to Thessalia, but not to the Ionian sea. Fleets may be built either on the west coast or the east coast of Attica.

Arcadia and Egypt : there are two coasts, but there is a way to bring a fleet from one coast to another.

Egypt : the Nile delta and the canal from the Nile to the Red Sea dug by the last Pharaohs, and kept under the Persian rule.

Arcadia : the Diolkos is a tow-path through the Isthm of Corinth. A fleet in Arcadia can move to the Cyclades or to the Ionian sea.

Arabic peninsula : by coasting, it takes 3 seasons for a fleet to go from the Arabian Gulf (the Red Sea) to the Persian Gulf (and vice-versa). The Arabic peninsula is a bit similar to an off-board province.

Provinces without supply

At sea, fleets always have enough supply on board. But in a land province, any unit needs a supply centre to get supply during the winter, where the unit will take its winter quarters.

Units which can not get supply are disbanded. These non-supplied provinces are : Libya, Arabia, Ghereenna, Scythia, Caucasia, Peonia, Mysia, Axylon, Pteria, Armenia and Sinai.

Optional rule : a unit blatantly left by a player during winter in a non-supplied province rebels against its Diadokhos ! Then, the other players may buy such a rebel unit for at least half its official price during the next spring (e.g. 500 talents for mercenaries). If the unit has not been sold during spring, then it is on sale for at least 100 talents during the summer. Then, if it has not yet been sold to the other players, it is eventually disbanded. These sales are auction sales : therefore, the prices indicated here are the minimal ones.

Nabatena and Hyrcania

It is necessary to control the citadel (Petra or Hecatompylos) before the unit can get supply. If not, the unit can not get supply from the hostile supply centre. Therefore, it is necessary to enter the province during spring, and besiege the city during summer and autumn to take control of the citadel.


Provinces without supply do not provide any tribute to their owner.

3.2 Human aspects

Supply centres

A supply centre is a citadel, or a city where a unit can take its winter quarters. They are either :
- capital cities and citadels (fortresses),
- fortified cities (strongholds),
- ports,
- small secondary minor cities / towns. Most of the provinces have supply centres.


Fleets can be built in ports. Ports have given openings on to the neighbouring seas. Some ports are inside the walls of a fortified citadel. A fleet can besiege a fortified port or a portuary city, but not a city without a port (e.g. Sardes, Sparta, Parsagades and Cyrene, as well as Delphi, Lamia, Ephese, Peluse and Gaza). Other non-fortified ports belong to the player who was the last occupant of the province : he can build fleets in that province.


There are two kinds of citadels :
- small citadels, fortresses or strongholds, or
- fortified cities.
The fortified cities are major objectives for victory. Citadels are special "terrestrial provinces", set inside land provinces. A citadel can be occupied by garrisons. Garrisons are special terrestrial units. After spring, each citadel can host at most only 1 garrison. Surplus garrisons have to leave the citadel, otherwise they are disbanded immediately. If there are 2 cities in a province, each of those citadels can host its own garrison. To be seized by an enemy, a citadel must be besieged during 2 seasons, except if the owner agrees to open the city before the end of the siege.

Fortified cities

There are 6 capital cities, and 14 other cities which are neutral before spring - 321. They are the vital cities of the Macedonian empire. The rules for citadels apply for cities (siege, garrisons, and constructions).

The capital city : it is the centre of the power of each player, for administrative purposes and also prestige. The capital city is the most important city for its legitimate owner. He should keep it, because of the exceptional triple tribute. If conquered by another player, a capital city becomes a normal city (single normal tribute), until the legitimate owner controls it anew.

Land provinces and marine provinces

See tables 1 and 2.

4. Political aspects

4.1 Win conditions

In order to win, there are several ways. The player gets tributes (revenues) from the provinces and cities he controls. With the money collected from tributes, he can build and maintain military units, or corrupt the military units of other players. With units and treasures (money), he will try to gain other cities or to take control of members of the royal Argeades family.

4.2 Means of victory

The means of victory are military units. There are 3 different kinds of military units : fleet, army and garrison.


Each player can build at most 3 fleets. They are built in ports. There are just simple mercenary fleets (abbreviation : F). Only fleets can move and support to or from marine provinces. A fleet is subject to sea storms. Fleets can control coastal provinces. Fleets in marine provinces can convoy units (armies). Fleets in coastal provinces can not convoy. Fleets can besiege ports, or they can supply besieged ports. Fleets can convert into garrisons either in the same province, or from a province directly adjacent to the citadel (and vice-versa).

Terrestrial units

They are made up of : the Macedonian phalanx, cavalry and light infantry. But there are several kinds of units :
- Mercenary (abbreviation : A),
- Elite (abbreviation : Ae),
- Militia (abbreviation : Am),
- Guards, or Companions (abbreviation : Ag).

At most, a player can have : 1 Elite, 1 Guards and 1 Militia.

Mercenary : the most common unit at that time. Elite : elite is made up of mercenaries. But they are first class veterans of the wars of Alexandros : the Agemas or the Argyraspides ("silver shields"). Militia : the use of such units was re-introduced at that time. These armies of free citizens had some success, as in Rhodes. Guards or Companions : they are inherited from the elitist principle created by Alexandros the Great.

Terrestrial units have two aspects : armies or garrisons.

Armies: They are military units that can occupy provinces (abbreviation : A). An army can be turned into a garrison. Garrisons: They are military units that can occupy citadels (abbreviation : G). When a garrison leaves a citadel, it can convert itself into a military unit. In a port, a garrison can convert into a fleet, or into an army.

A unit can move into a fortified city belonging to the same side. It is then changed into a garrison. It is possible to build garrisons inside one's own citadels. But if the citadel is under siege, it is not possible to spend more money than collected within the citadel. Example : Antigonos owns Laranda. The citadel is currently under siege. At winter, he can not build a garrison inside, because it is too expensive (200 < 1000).


At most, a player can build :
- 3 (mercenary) fleets,
- 1 elite,
- 1 militia, and
- 1 Guards.

But, after corruption of enemy units, the player can get extra fleets or extra elites. The situation becomes normal again during the next winter. Option : a player can have 4 fleets if he owns 5 or 6 major cities, and 5 fleets if he owns 7 or more fleets.

4.3 Personages

There are 12 personages : 6 Diadokhoi and 6 members of the royal Argeades family. If they wish to, personages can take control of foreign provinces, but they can not fight alone. A Diadokhos, or an Argeades, can always move freely from one province to another neighbouring province (land, sea or citadel) - except if he is held prisoner by some other player. A Diadokhos can not besiege a city, or fight alone. He can travel alone, or at the head of a military unit. When the Diadokhos leads a military unit, the unit becomes more powerful, and more loyal (less corruptible).

NB : Each Diadokhos gives a + 1 bonus when he leads an army on the battlefield. But be careful : the leader can not leave this unit, when he is a commander.

If a personage (Diadokhos or Argeades) is in a province occupied by a hostile unit, he can be seized, and even killed ! If the unit led by a Diadokhos is dismantled after a battle, the Diadokhos is killed. If the unit led by a Diadokhos is corrupted, the Diadokhos is seized. The mutineers demand the immediate execution of the Diadokhos. If the new owner refuses to kill the prisoner, the corrupted unit revolts and becomes neutral. These rebels then try to besiege any fortified city where they can get supply before the next winter. The new owner can still keep his prisoner after this rebellion, but he has no escort to protect his prisoner from other players.


If the Diadokhos is killed, the player has lost the game (elimination). On the contrary, as long as the Diadokhos is still alive, the player keeps on playing.


The Argeades are :
- the royal couple of Philippe III Arrhidaios and his wife Eurydice. Though an incompetent general, he must be appointed as the leader of one military unit (otherwise he and his wife become neutral characters).
- Roxane, the widow of Alexandros the Great, and the heir, Alexandros IV Jannee (a 2 year old child, posthumous son of the Conqueror).
- Cleopatra, the sister of Alexandros the Great.
- Olympias, the mother of Alexandros. A terrible woman. She can lead an army at war (with a + 0,5 bonus).

The Argeades family represents a few victory points. But they can die, or be assassinated by the player who controls them. To control a member of the family, it is necessary to arrest him, by bringing a military unit in the same province, or to give him enough money (this form of corruption is immediate, even from a non-adjacent province).

Alexandros IV always stays with his mother. Eurydice always stays with Philippe III.

The Argeades are in Macedonia, except Olympias who is in Delphes and Cleopatra who is in Sardes.

4.4 Victory points


1 VP per Argeades member still alive (between 0 and 6). Argeades can die, or be killed (when they die, the VP is lost).


1 VP for Cleopatra's husband. First, the marriage must be announced, and then it can be celebrated (it may not be postponed). Therefore, it takes 2 consecutive seasons to get married to Cleopatra (announcement and festivities). Then, Cleopatra will always follow her husband. After this marriage, the husband also gets the right to give a royal order. If Cleopatra dies, the VP is not lost. If Cleopatra's husband is killed, the VP is lost and she can get married anew.


1 VP per major citadel conquered (including capital cities of other players). All those citadels must be besieged. They are :
- the 6 capital cities
- Pella in Macedonia (Antipatros),
- Lysimachia in Thracia (Lysimache),
- Gordion in Phrygia (Antigonos),
- Ankyra in Ankyra (Eumenes),
- Babylone in Chaldea (Seleukos),
- Alexandria of the Nile in Egypt (Ptolemaios).
- and the 14 fortified cities: Parsagades, Petra, Cyrene, Tyr, Alexandria of Issos, Soloi, Ariararthea, Panticapea, Sardes, Milet, Rhodes, Byzance, Athens, Sparta.

Capital cities

3 VP's for one's own capital city. If a player loses his capital city, he loses 3 VP's (loss of prestige). The winner gains only 1 VP The total loss is : - 3 + 1 = - 2 VP's The majority of VP's is reduced by 1 VP.

4.5 Victory

Clear victory

The game stops as soon as one of the players gets the absolute majority of VP's.

Shared victory

It is also possible to agree upon a shared victory with several players, by voting a draw (draw including all survivors). Historically, at the death of Seleukos in - 281, there were 3 dynastic kingdoms : the Antigonides in Europe, the Seleukides in Asia, the Ptolemaic in Africa and around the Mediterranean Sea.

Short game

It is also possible to agree upon a short game, in 5 years, and to rank the surviving Diadokhoi according to the number of VP's each player got.

4.6 Elimination


A player plays as long as his Diadokhos is still alive. Even if he has lost all his possessions and all its fortune, he can go on playing. For example, Seleukos lost once all his empire, and he became a simple "condottiere" acting on behalf of Ptolemaios.


A player is eliminated when his Diadokhos has been killed after a battle or a corruption. His empire, even flourishing, disappears. That is what occurred to Eumenes of Kardia.

When a player has been eliminated, all his units and possessions become neutral. His units hold and do not move (civil disorder). When forced to retreat, they are disbanded. They can be supported or corrupted by other players. Then, after the next winter, only garrisons and the units in a province containing a neutral citadel formerly possessed by the dead Diadokhos survive. The other units are disbanded.

The capital city becomes a normal citadel (1100 talents of tributes and 1 VP).

The Epigonoi

The Epigonoi (in Greek : imitators) are the heirs to the Diadokhoi. As of spring - 316, each Diadokhos can have an heir, since he has gained enough popularity amongst the people of his empire. If a Diadokhos gets killed between - 321 and - 317, his empire collapses. But as of spring - 316, one of his relatives is powerful enough to succeed to him.

The Epigonoi are :
- Cassandra, son of Antipatros. But Cassandra can not become the regent.
- Agathocles, for Lysimachos.
- Demetrios (Poliorcete), son of Antigonos.
- Hyeronymos of Kardia, friend of Eumenes.
- Ptolemaios II Philadelphe, heir of Ptolemaios the first.
- Antiochos, heir of Seleukos.

The Epigonoi are young and not mature. They have prestige (the + 1000 bonus against corruption), but they have no military advantage on the battle field (no military bonus). The only exception is Demetrios, who still has a + 1 bonus when he is an army commander.

After a diadokhos has died, his epigonos may appear in any province or citadel he owns.

4.7 Dynasties

After - 300, there is no more leader bonus. The dynasties are well established in place. If the Epigonos dies, the player is not eliminated. A player in a dynastic kingdom is eliminated only when all his possessions are lost.

After - 300, a dynasty can change once (and only once) the location of its capital city to one of the following cities : Pella, Lysimachia, Sardes, Alexandria of Issos, Babylonia and Alexandria of Egypt. The player can also change the name of this city (e. g. : Seleukia, Antiochia, Antigonia, Cassandria or Demetria).

5. Revenues

Historically, the conquest of the Persian empire by Alexandros left a tremendous amount of silver and gold to the greedy Diadokhoi.

5.1 Treasures

They are sums of money measured in talents (a weight for silver in Attica). As soon as a city has been seized, the victor can seize the treasure inside this city, or he can leave it intact.

Persian treasures

These treasures had been hoarded by the Persian rulers and they are deposited in some of the citadels or cities.

- 500 talents : Tarenta, Lysimachia, Byzance, Laranda, Gordion, Cyzica, Ephese, Heraclea Pontica, Tyr, Salamine of Cyprus, Ecbatane and Delphes.
- 1000 talents : Rhodes, Isaura and Ariararthea.

New treasures

New treasures may appear :
- foreign help,
- the oriental satraps' treasure. There was a coalition of oriental satraps against the ambitious Peithon, the satrap of Media. The coalition army moves to Hecatompylos, with a treasure of 1000 talents. They stay in the citadel and do not move further on,
- "personal deposits" inside citadels. Any Diadokhos can leave some money inside his cities.

When a Diadokhos is killed, his treasure is :
- either left in the capital city,
- or left in the secondary capital city, if the capital city was lost,
- or taken by the victor if the Diadokhos had no more citadel left.

5.2 Regular tributes


They are collected every year during winter. They are taxes and tributes levied in each province and city.


- 100 talents per supplied land province. 200 talents per citadel.
- 1100 talents per major city, 3100 talents for one's own capital city. A capital city is disorganized when it is conquered by another player (due to the administrative disorganization and to the resistance of the population against the occupier). You should not lose your capital city !

Revenues during winter - 322

In winter - 322, the revenues of the 6 Diadokhoi are :







Antipatros 100 200 3100 0 0 3400
Lysimachos 100 0 3100 0 500 3700
Antigonos 100 0 3100 0 500 3700
Eumenes 100 0 3100 0 0 3200
Ptolemaios 100 200 3100 0 0 3400
Seleukos 100 0 3100 0 0 3200


Every winter, the revenues are computed (tax assessment).

5.3 Adjustment of military units

The situation in winter - 322 (start of the game)

The situation in winter - 322 is a special one. Each Diadokhos must spend 3000 talents to buy 3 mercenary units. These 3 units are placed in the only province the player is in control at the beginning : the province that contains the capital city.

Remark : therefore, before spring - after winter constructions - a province can contain several units.

Antigonos and Eumenes are obliged to build 3 mercenary armies. Seleukos can build a fleet in Babylonia, which is a port ! The fleet then can go to lower Mesopotamia, and then reach the shores of the Persian gulf. Antipatros, Ptolemaios and Lysimachos have a large choice, because they have free access to the sea (Mediterranean sea).

In spring - 321, the Diadokhoi have the following remaining treasures :



Antipatros 400
Lysimachos 700
Antigonos 700
Eumenes 200
Ptolemaios 400
Seleukos 200


As of winter - 321, each player can spend all his money or hoard part of it. All the money which is not spent can be kept, indefinitely.


Each player must pay his military units / mercenaries (pays).

Cost of military units






Mercenary 1000 500 1 2000
Militia 1500 0 1 3000
Elite 2000 1000 2 3000
Guards 3000 1500 2 4500

It is possible to disband a unit, instead of maintaining it. But half a pay must be paid to the soldiers (except for a militia).

New units

It is possible to build new units every winter. Fleets can be build in the provinces containing ports. Armies can be build in the provinces containing citadels. Garrisons can be built inside the citadels. Militia, élite or Guards garrisons may be built.

Promotion of an army

An army can be promoted into a superior type (militia / élite / Guards) if during winter it is located in a province containing a citadel.

6. Orders and events

6.1 Events and orders year by year


The game is subdivided into 3 + 1 seasons per year.
- spring,
- summer,
- autumn, and
- winter.

During spring, summer and autumn, each player separately writes down his orders. Then, all orders are read simultaneously. These are active seasons. In winter, there is a phase of tax assessment and collection, then followed by a phase of adjustment of military units (recruitments and disbandments). This is the passive season.

Sequence of a game turn

During the three active seasons, the following actions take place :
- an event is randomly chosen according to the event table,
- negotiations,
- writing down military orders,
- reading murder orders,
- reading aloud and solving corruption orders, with corresponding counter-corruptions,
- reading military orders. Movements. Resolution of conflicts,
- retreats,
- seizure of leaders and Argeades that are isolated in enemy territory.

6.2 Events

Event table

The event table (table 1) is subdivided into 3 tables. There is one table for each season. The roll of 2 dice is used to determine which event occurs. There are 4 kinds of events :
- events modifying the physical aspect of the map,
- rebellions,
- foreign interventions,
- the death of a member of the royal family.

There is only 1 event per season. If the event is impossible (second Lamia war or death of somebody already dead), there is no event during the season. There is no event in spring - 321. The nature of the event is made public before the start of the negociations.

Effects of events on physical aspects of the map

Sea storms : see table 2. In all affected provinces, a die roll is used for each fleet or Diadokhos present. With a roll of 1 or 2, a fleet is sunk : the unit is dismantled. With a roll of 1, a Diadokhos gets drowned ; with a roll of 2, he is cast away on a neighbouring coastal province. Argeades are treated like Diadokhoi. No support, no attack or move, no convoy is allowed during the storm from, or to, the affected province.

Snow storm or sand storm : no support, no attack or move, is allowed for armies during the storm from, or to, the affected province. If the province is not surrounded by uncrossable boundaries, only Diadokhoi and Argeades can freely move on its own to a neighbouring province.

River flood : all boundaries along a flooding river can not be crossed by armies. No move or support is allowed. Flooded provinces are blocked. No move or support is allowed.


Uprisings at Laranda, Nora and Isaura : the citadels are independent anew. Garrisons are annihilated.

During some rebellions, there are rebel units trying to reach a determined number of objectives with given win conditions (e.g. Etolian League, Scythes or Pirates of the Pont). Usually, they have simple objectives, and they obey to automatic orders. Several rebellions can support each other. The GM will choose the best set of orders for such rebellions. Or one player will be asked to give orders to a rebellion (e.g. Antigonos for the rebellion of the Lamia war in Greece).

Rebellions have a limited field of action. If they are dislodged out of this area, the rebel unit is disbanded.

Athens and Cyrene: If Athens has succeeded in remaining independent, the Athenian fleet can patrol in the Ionian sea in order to protect the Cyrenaic rebellion as long as there is no threat against Athens.

The Lamia war, or the general rebellion of the Greeks, is the most complex rebellion. In History, Antipatros had to deal with the Lamia war during 1 year, and he had big trouble. The orders are given either by the GM, or by Antigonos if he has no possessions in Greece, or by Antigonos' immediate neighbour if Antigonos has conquered Greece.

The rebels have to free Greece in whole, i.e. Delphi, Athens and Sparta, the three main cities of Greece. They can not help a player if this help hinders the liberation of these cities.

After the second year, there is a military adjustment - year per year : if the city has not been freed during the year, the rebels are disbanded. That is to say : the Etolian militia needs to conquer Delphes to survive, the Lacedemonian militia needs Sparta and the Attic fleet needs to conquer Athens. If not, the corresponding unit disappears. E.g. The Attic fleet disappears if Athens is still possessed by a player.

See also table 3.

General rules for rebellions

Every rebel unit can be supported by a player, but it can not support any player. Every rebel unit can be corrupted along the usual rules of corruption.

Rebels: When a rebel unit must enter a province that is already occupied by another player, it is considered that the rebels are attacking from off the board : if there is a stand-off in that province, the rebel unit has to retreat to another (free) province.

Foreign interventions: Carthago and Chandragupta send gold to some player. The Tarentin people give their treasure and their city to the first player who reaches Tarenta : the player need not besiege the city. The oriental satraps just go to Hecatompylos and they do not try to do anything else there ! A royal order is useful in order to gain control of the city. Otherwise, it is necessary to attack and besiege the city.

Gauls act like rebels.

Romans They are given orders by the GM or by Seleukos. When they first attack, their Guards have to besiege Tarenta. In the second attack, the special Roman militia fleet and the Roman Guards attack Illyria and the land of Taulantii.

If a player attacks or resists the attack of Rome, then Rome declares war against this player. The war ends when the player's capital city is occupied by Rome. For peace conditions, see table 4. Roman units can wage war in every province. They are not eliminated when they are dislodged from the Ionian or Adriatic sea, or from Italy : they have a special province, Rome, in which they can remain without the limitation of 1 unit per province. Roman units can be supported by a player, but they can not support any player. Roman units can be corrupted, but the special Roman militia fleet is more expensive than usual fleets : it has a bonus of 1000 in counter-corruption.

Death of a member of the Royal Argeades family of Macedonia: If a member dies, the victory point is lost.

6.3 Orders

Royal order

A royal order is required to get help from the oriental satraps, in order to take control of their army and treasure. For this, it is first necessary to possess one of the following citadels : Suse, Ecbatane or Parsagades. The player or one of his allies must also control 2 members of the royal family, or only 1 if he is the regent (Antipatros), or if he is Cleopatra's husband.

Corruption orders

Corruption was very common practice at that time. Antigonos often corrupted his opponents, instead of fighting them, for he was very rich. Eumenes was eventually betrayed and killed by his own Argyraspides soldiers, who were corrupted before the battle of Gabiena. In order to corrupt a unit, it is necessary to have a unit or the leader in a neighbouring province.

NB : It is only possible to corrupt adjacent enemy units (a fleet may corrupt an army inland. Floods do not hinder corruption), but not distant ones.

Then, a sum of money must be spent (in hundreds of talents).


sum required

mercenary 2000
militia 3000
elite 3000
Guards 4500


Diadokhos + 1000
Arrhidaios + 1000
Cleopatra (with her husband) + 1000
Olympias - 500


A player may give extra money - in hundreds of talents - to a unit, in order to prevent it from being corrupted (extra salary). A counter-corruption can be paid at the beginning of any season. It is valid until the next winter (for the on-going year).

Loyalty of a unit to its commander

The Diadokhos, when he is the commander of one given unit, makes it more faithful and less sensitive to the effects of corruption (this is equivalent to a bonus of + 1000 talents in counter-corruption). This is shown in the player's orders by the use of a star (e. g. A * Pal). But, if the unit is corrupted, the commander is taken prisoner by the treacherous unit and held to the victor !


If the money used for corruption is more than the required threshold (normal threshold plus counter-corruption), then corruption is successful. If not, corruption fails and the money that was spent is lost.

Successful corruption

The corrupted unit deserts to the player who corrupted it. Its new owner can give an order for his new unit in the same season. If a garrison is corrupted, both the garrison and the citadel are gained by the corruptor ! Every member of the royal family who happens to be in the same province can be seized. Olympias can be killed by the corrupted officers if she can not manage to go into hiding. A Diadokhos whose unit is corrupted while he was the commander of that unit is seized by the army. The treacherous officers demand his immediate execution.

Effect of a successful corruption on the nature of Elite and mercenary units

No change occurs.

Effect of a successful corruption on the nature of Guards and militia units

Guards are turned into elite, and militia into mercenary.

Corruption of the Argeades

Money can be sent to the members of the royal family, so that they are attracted by one player, even from a distance (the corruptor need not be adjacent !).

Members of the family and corruption

See table 5.

A personage that is corrupted can move independently, according to an order given by his new owner. But if he travels alone, and if he is in the same province as an enemy army, he can be seized by that army. A member of the royal family can receive counter-corruption money.

Military orders

There are several types of military orders, depending on the types of military units. A unit can not receive more than 1 military order each season.
- Garrisons : support, conversion into army or fleet.
- Armies : support, siege, attack or conversion into garrison.
- Fleets : support, siege, supply, convoy, attack or conversion into garrison.


Attack, support and convoy : they are the same orders as in the game of Diplomacy. They follow the same rules. The only difference comes from the different values of military units : leader bonus, mercenary army or militia, elite or Guards. After all units have moved, the basic rule is that each province can not host more than 1 unit. A unit can move from one province to a neighbouring province, with whom it shares a common boundary (target province).

A movement is successful if there is no other unit going to the same province during the season. If 2 different units move to the same province during the same season, there is a military conflict. A conflict is solved according to specific rules. The consequence of a conflict may be :
- either a success (the attacker is more powerful than the opponent), or
- a stand-off (failure, or balance between opponents).

A unit that stands in one province as a defender being attacked by another unit can :
- either resist through a stand-off, or
- be dislodged by a more powerful attacker (retreat).

It is not possible to dislodge one's own units.

Attack : it refers to a movement from one province to a neighbouring province (target province). When the opponents have equal forces, there is a stand-off.

 Support : one unit can support another unit, either in attack, or defense. A unit can not support through a mountainous range. A unit can support any other unit defending or attacking a province neighbouring the province of the supporting unit. A support can be cut. If the supporting unit is attacked from a province which is not the target province, the support is inefficient (even if this opponent is less powerful !).

 Convoy : convoying is possible for fleets in marine provinces. An army can be convoyed from one coastal province to another coastal province through a chain of convoying fleets. The landing of the convoyed army is similar to a classical attack. If the landing fails, the army stays in the province it departed from. The list of marine provinces crossed should be listed in brackets.

Example : A Arc - (Cyc - EMS) - Egy, F Cyc C A Arc - Egy, F EMS C A Arc - Egy.

A convoy can be disturbed if one convoying fleet is dislodged during an attack.

Orders specific to the game of Diadokhoi

 Conversion : a garrison can be turned into an army or a fleet. It is similar to a movement from the citadel to the province.

 Siege : the siege is the most important and essential order in this game. A neutral or enemy city resists its attacker. The only way to control a city is to besiege it. A siege lasts 2 seasons (2 game turns). In order to besiege, it is necessary to put a unit in the province at the end of the season before the siege. Then, during two seasons, the besieging army must stay in the same place. If the citadel does not receive outer help (supply), and if the besiegers are not dislodged for any reason, the citadel falls into the hand of the besiegers. All garrisons in the citadel are destroyed. If there are personages in the citadel, they become prisoners of the victor. If the besieging unit is dislodged before the end of the siege, the siege is not successful.

 Supply : a besieged citadel can be supplied by a fleet located in a marine province, with access to the citadel in question. A supply suppresses the effect of one season of siege. A supply is cut in the same way as a support is, i.e. if the supplying fleet is attacked. It is possible to supply the following cities :
- Alexandria from the Eastern Mediterranean sea,

- Tyr from the Inner sea,
- Salamine from the Inner sea or the Gulf of Salamine,
- Alexandria of Issos from the Gulf of Salamine,
- Soloi from the Gulf of Salamine,
- Rhodes from the Rhodian sea, Eolide or the Cyclades sea,
- Athens from the Cyclades sea,
- Milet from Eolide,
- Pydna from Eubea,
- Tarenta from the Ionian sea,
- Lysimachia from the Aegean sea or Propontide,
- Byzance from Propontide or the Western Pont Euxin,
- Cyzica from Propontide,
- Heraclea Pontica from the Western Pont Euxin,
- Panticapea from the Eastern Pont Euxin or Palus Maeotide.

Official abbreviations

The official international abbreviations for orders are :
army : A, attack : -
defend : H
support : S
convoy : C
convert : -
siege : Bsg1 or Bsg2 according to the season
supply : Spl.

For the abbreviations of the names of provinces, refer to the map and to the list of provinces (see tables 1 and 2).

Conflict resolution

The resolution of military conflicts slightly differs from the game of Diplomacy. The two main differences are :
- the variable force of military units,
- the leader bonus.



mercenary 1
militia 1
elite 2
Guards 2


Diadokhos (or Demetrios) + 1
Olympias + 0,5

The ratio between opponent forces is computed. The ratio includes all units whose support is valid. The side with the highest ratio wins, and the other side loses, and sometimes has to retreat. If the force ratio is 1 (equality), nobody moves (stand-off).

Example 1 :

Antipatros A (+ Olympias) Eto - The
Lysimachos F The H
Antipatros : 1 (army) + 0,5 (Olympias) = 1,5.
Lysimachos : 1 (fleet).

Antipatros wins. The fleet is dislodged from The : it has to retreat.

Example 2 :

Ptolemaios G (+ Ptolemaios) Tyr - A Phe (conversion), F InS S G Tyr - A Phe.
Eumenes Ae Dam - Phe, A Syr S Ae Dam - Phe.
Ptolemaios : 1 (garrison) + 1 (Ptolemaios) + 1 (supporting fleet) = 3.
Eumenes : 2 (elite) + 1 (supporting mercenary) = 3.

There is a stand-off in Phe. Both moves fail.


Some units are eventually dislodged and they must retreat. A unit can retreat to an empty province, provided that there was no stand-off in that province. A unit can retreat into a friendly citadel. If a unit can not retreat, it is destroyed (disbanded). The Diadokhos leading a unit that is destroyed is killed during the battle. If two units retreat into the same province, both are annihilated.

The player can always choose between :
- retreating, or
- disbanding (for free).

A member of the royal family who was with the destroyed unit may be seized by the victor.

Personage isolated in enemy territory

Sometimes, a military unit is in the same province as a personage (Diadokhos or Epigonos) or a member of the Royal family. The soldiers can try to seize that personage. A die roll is used : with a result of 1, 2, 3 or 4, the personage is seized. Otherwise, the personage remains in the province, free (hidden somewhere).

It is not compulsory to kill a prisoner : it is sometimes an advantage to hold somebody as a prisoner.

A fleeing Diadokhos can find refuge into an ally's possessions : the ally keeps his possessions.

Prisoners must be guarded by an army, or they may be transferred to another army. They may even be transferred from an army to a friendly citadel where they will be held prisoners. A prisoner left alone in a province is free.

Rule : 1 unit per province after spring

The basic problem : 1 unit per province. At the end of each active season (spring, summer and winter), there must be only 1 unit per province, and 1 garrison per citadel. At the end of each winter, there can be any number of units (!) in a port or in a citadel (after recruitments).

For example, in spring 321, each Diadokhos has 3 mercenary units in the only one province that he controls. But after spring, the situation must become normal again : extra units must either retreat to empty provinces, or they must be disbanded immediately. The retreat is sometimes impossible because of the weather.

A rebel unit can rise in a province already occupied by a player's unit. If that unit does not move, the rebels attack, and if there is a stand-off, the rebels must retreat.

Gold transfers

Any player can give gold to any other player. The rule is that the money transfer is slower at greater distances. The money transfer is not immediate, but it takes as many seasons (including winters) to proceed as there are provinces between the units of each player which are the closest. Players with adjacent units can exchange money immediately. E.g. : if Antipatros with a unit in the Cyclades wants to send money to Seleukos with a unit in Damascene, the money transfer requires 3 seasons. Money sent by a player can not be stolen by anybody else. All sums must be entire hundreds of talents.


Table 1. Land provinces and towns

Italy Ita Tarenta (c P)
Illyria Ill Salonae
Scythia Scy
Tauride Trd Panticapea (C P)
Thracia Thr Philippopolis
Ister mouth Ist Callatis (P)
Chersonese Che Lysimachia (CC P)
Bosphore Bos Byzance (C P)
Peonia Peo
Chalcidica Cha Amphipolis
Macedonia Mac Pella (CC) Pydna (c P)
Taulantii Tau Epidamnos (P)
Thessalia The Lamia (c)
Etolia Eto Delphi (c)
Attica Att Athens (C P)
Arcadia Arc Corinth (P)
Laconia Lac Sparta (C)
Creta Cre Gortyn (P)
Rhodes Rho Rhodes (C P)
Cyprus Chy Salamine (c P)
Caucasus Cau
Pont Pon Trapezonte (P)
Paphlagonia Pap Sinope (P)
Bithynia Bit Heraclea Pontica (c P)
Hellespont Hel Cyzica (c P)
Lydia Lyd Sardes (C) Smyrna (P)
Caria Car Colosse
Mysia Mys
Pisidia Pis Isaura (c)
Phrygia Phr Gordion (CC)
Axylon Axy
Ankyra Ank Ankyra (CC)
Lycaonia Lyc Laranda (c) Nora (c)
Pteria Pte
Cappadocia Cap Ariararthea (C)
Ionia Ion Milet (C P) Ephese (c)
Pamphylia Pam Sidea
Cilicia Cil Soloi (C P)
Commagena Com Mazaca
Armenia Arm
Syria Syr Alexandria of Issos (C P)
Phenecia Phe Tyr (C P)
Damascene Dam Damascus
Palestine Pal Jerusalem
Nabatena Nab Petra (C)
Idumea Idu Gaza (c)
Sinai Sin
Arabian desert Ara
Mesopotamia Mes Nisibe
Egypt Egy Alexandria (CC P) Peluse (c)
Libya Lib
Cyrenaica Cyr Cyrena (C) Apollonia (P)
Assyria Ass Arbeles
Arabia Ghereenna Ghe
Chaldea Chd Babylone (CC P)
Lower Mesopotamia LMe Ur
Susiane Sus Suse (c)
Persia Per Parsagades (C)
Media Med Ekbatane (c)
Hyrcania Hyr Hecatompylos (c)

This list features : Capital cities (CC), cities (C), citadels (c) and ports (P). Other towns are minor supply centres.

Provinces without supply : Scy, Peo, Cau, Mys, Axy, Pte, Arm, Sin, Ara, Ghe and Lib ; Nab and Hyr.

Table 2. Marine provinces

Persian gulf PeG
Arabic gulf ArG
Hyrcanian sea ---
Eastern Mediterranean sea EMS
Inner sea InS
Gulf of Salamine GSa
Rhodian sea RhS
Ionian sea IoS
Palus Maeotide Mae
Adriatic Adr
Cyclades Cyc
Eolide Eol
Eubea Eub
Aegean sea Aeg
Propontide Pro
Western Pont Euxin WPE
Eastern Pont Euxin EPE

It is not possible to sail on the Hyrcanian sea.

Table 3. Army types

force maintenance cost corruption cost
mercenary (A) 1 1000 2000
militia (Am) 1 1500 3000
élite (Ae) 2 2000 3000
Guards (Ag) 2 3000 4500

Table 4. Corruption modifiers

Diadokhos (*) + 1000
Arrhidee + 1000
Kleopatra (with her husband) + 1000
Olympias - 500

Table 5. Military modifiers

Diadokhos (or Demetrios) + 1
Olympias + 0,5

Table 6. Events


(2 die roll)
2 : Sea storm.

3 or 4 : Floods. 1 die roll (1 to 3 : Halys ; 4 to 6 : Ister, Borysthenes and Tanais. Scythia and Ister are flooded).
5 : Flood of Euphrates. Chaldea and Lower Mesopotamia flooded.
6 : Flood of Tigros. Chaldea and Lower Mesopotamia flooded.
7 : Floods of Araxe and Cyros.
8 or 9 : Rebellion.

10 : Sand storm. 1 die roll (1 to 3 : Libya ; 4 to 6 : Arabia, Nabatena and Ghereenna).
11 : Foreign intervention.
12 : Death of an Argeades.


(2 die roll)
2 to 5 : Sea storm.

6 or 7 : Flood of the Nile. Egypt flooded.
8 or 9 : Rebellion.
10 : Foreign intervention.
11 or 12 : Death of an Argeades.


(2 die roll)
2 or 3 : Sand storm. 1 die roll (1 or 2 : Hyrcania ; 3 to 5 : Arabia, Nabatena and Ghereenna ; 6 : Libya).

4 or 5 : Sea storm.
6 : Flood of Ister, Borysthenes, Tanais. Scythia and Ister are flooded.
7 or 8 : Snow storm. 1 die roll (1 : Illyria and Taulantii ; 2 or 3 : Paphlagonia and Pont ; 4 : Commagene ; 5 or 6 : Armenia).
9 or 10 : Rebellion.
11 : Foreign intervention.
12 : Death of an Argeades.

 Death of one Argeades (game event) : the Argeades may die of natural causes. The personage is chosen at random (1 die roll). If the personage had already died, there is no event during that season.

Table 6.1. Sea storms

(2 die roll)
2 : Eastern Mediterranean.

3 or 4 : Gulf of Salamine and Inner sea.
5 : Eubea and Cyclades.
6 : Adriatic sea and Ionian sea.
7 : Eastern Pont-Euxin and Palus Maeotide.
8 : Western Pont-Euxin.
9 : Propontide and Aegean sea.
10 : Eolide and Rhodian sea.
11 or 12 : Persian gulf and Arabic gulf.

Each storm-tossed fleet is sunk with a 1 die roll of 1 or 2.

Table 6.2. Rebellions

(2 die roll)
2 : Uprisings at Laranda, Nora and Isaura.

3 : Secession of the Greeks of Asia. 1 militia in Media (permanent). Siege of Ekbatane, without plundering the treasure.
4 : Raids of the Hyrcanian Scythes. 1 élite in Caucasia (temporary - 1 year). Attacks one province at random (1 : Tauride, 2 : Pont, 3, 4, 5 : Media, 6 : Hyrcania).
5 : Rebellion of the Etolian League in Etolia and Thessalia. 1 militia (temporary - 1 year). Attacks at random one province (1, 2, 3, 4 : Etolia, 5,6 : Thessalia). Objective : Delphes or Lamia. Retreat : Tau, Eto, The.
6 : Rebellion in Greece. 1 die roll. 1 to 3 : 1 militia in Sparta (permanent). 4 to 6 : 1 fleet in Athens (permanent).
7 : Lamia war (total rebellion of the Greeks).
8 : Uprising in Thracia. 1 militia in Thracia (permanent). Retreat : Ill, Scy, Ist.
9 : Uprising in Armenia. 1 militia in Armenia (permanent). No retreat.
10 : Rebellion in Cyrene. 1 militia in Cyrenaic (permanent). Objective : Cyrene. Retreat : Libya. May be supported by the Athenian fleet.
11 or 12 : Pirates of the Pont. 1 or 2 fleets (temporary) in Western Pont-Euxin and/or Eastern Pont-Euxin. Objective : to free Heraclee Pontique and/or Panticapea.

Table 6.3. Foreign interventions

(1 die roll)
1 : Carthago sends 1000 talents to a Diadokhos. 1 die roll. 1 to 3 : to the one
who controls Pella. 4 to 6 : to the one who controls Lysimachia.
2 : The Tarentin people give their treasure and their city to the first player who reaches Italy : the player need not besiege the city.
3 : Roman attack. If a player has attacked Rome, the Romans defend their territories. Then they declare war to him. War is waged until the capital city of this player has been seized by the Romans. Peace conditions : the player can keep only 1 fleet and he must pay a tribute of 4000 talents to the Romans. If not, the Romans start another war 1 year after the peace treaty. After each victory, the Romans have double strength.
4 : Alliance of the oriental satraps. 1 mercenary unit appears in Hekatompylos, as well as 1000 talents (permanent). Allies with the first player with a royal order who occupies Ekbatane, Suse or Parsagades.
5 : Chandragupta sends 1000 talents to a Diadokhos. 1 die roll. 1 to 3 : to the one who controls Ariararthea. 4 to 6 : to the one who controls Alexandria.
6 : Attack of the Gauls. 1 militia (permanent). Attacks at random one province (1 : Taulantii, then Etolia, 2 : Macedonia, then Thessalia, 3 : Peonia, then Chalcidique, 4 : Tauride, 5 : Ister, 6 : a province at random (1, 2, 3 : Illyria, 4, 5, 6 : Scythia), then Thracia).

Table 7. Argeades

Start Peculiarities With Corruption
Philippos III Arrhidea Pella army commander


Eurydice 500
Eurydice Pella Philippos 500
Roxane Pella Alexandros 1000
Alexandros IV Pella Roxane 1000
Olympias Delphes army commander 500
Kleopatra Sardes marriageable her husband 1000

7. Details

Map features

 There are no connexion between Assyria and Armenia, as well as between Media and Mesopotamia.

 The Hyrcanian sea is impassable.


 The support given by a unit which has to retreat is void.


A personage can not besiege a citadel. Fleets can not besiege an adjacent citadel. Fleets can besiege only the portuary citadel located in the same province.

Example : F Hel Besieges1 Cyzica. But : F Pro besieges1 Cyzica (impossible).


 A garrison can be converted into an army in the province containing the citadel. In a port, it can also be converted into a fleet into that province, or into a marine province adjacent to the citadel ! Therefore, it is possible to escape from a besieged portuary citadel !

Example : G Cyzica = A Hel, G Athens = F Att, G Alexandria = F EMS (even if Alexandria is being besieged).

 A fleet can not be converted into a garnison into an adjacent portuary citadel.

Example : F EMS : G Alexandria (impossible).  

Garrisons must be maintained at the same cost as the corresponding army types. An élite, a militia or a Guards can be converted into a garrison of the same type.

 A garrison can be corrupted only by a unit located in the same province.

Example : F Aegean sea can not corrupt a garrison in Lysimachia.

 A garrison can not give support to a sea province.


 During winter, corruptions are not allowed.


 Philippos Arrhidee III has a counter-corruption bonus of 500 talents on the military unit he commands. He and his wife become neutral, if left without a military unit at the end of a season.

 A personage can take control of the province where he is currently, but this is not compulsory - especially if the diadokhos is allied with the owner of that province.

 A personage can be convoyed by fleets.

 An Argeades or a prisoner can be transferred to an adjacent military unit. He/they can also be transferred to a friendly citadel and then be kept inside this citadel as a hostage. A prisoner left alone in a province is free. A diadokhos may assassinate, keep as prisoners or free the personages under his control.

 An Argeades can be corrupted from a distance ! As well, counter-corruption can be invested on an Argeades from a distance.

 Once married, Kleopatra can not be corrupted.

 Epigonoi : after - 317, when a Diadokhos has died, his epigonos may start from any province or citadel he owns.

 Kleopatra : the marriage with Kleopatra lasts 2 consecutive turns, and may not be postponed after it has been made public.


 A diadokhos may lead an ally's unit at war. This gives a + 1 bonus in force, but no counter-corruption bonus. At any time, the alliance may be broken at the beginning of a game season, but during that season, the diadokhos can not corrupt the unit he was formerly leading, and that unit can not capture its former leader.


 A temporary revolt lasts for at least one full year (including spring, summer and autumn). As a result, if a revolt occurs in summer or autumn, the unit is automatically maintained during the first winter until the next spring, even if it has not reached its objectives (except if it has been ousted out of its theatre of operations). Therefore, revolts occurring during the summer are the most dangerous ones.

 Players may help rebels, but rebels can not help any player.

 A unit lost in a non-supplied province at winter disbands without rebelling if it has been trapped there during autumn by a storm, a revolt or a flood.

Revolts (optional rule)

 When a revolt occurs, a rebel unit destroys all units present in the uprising province. Personages may flee to another province or to a friendly adjacent citadel (otherwise, they may be seized by the rebel).

Prestige (optional rule)

 Each diadokhos gets 10 prestige points for 1VP, modulated by a series of political factors.

looting of religious treasures

(Ephese, Delphi or Ekbatane)

- 2 PP's
assassination of Roxane, Alexandros or Kleopatra - 2 PP's
assassination of Philippos, Eurydice or Olympias - 1 PP
elimination of the Lamia rebellion - 1 PP
death of the Diadokhos (for an Epigonos) - 5 PP's
defeat inflicted by a neutral power - 2 PP's
loss of a purposedly non-supplied unit - 1 PP's
gain of Athens + 1 PP's
gain of Pella (except for Antipatros) + 2 PP's
gain of Babylone (except for Seleukos) + 1 PP
effective help provided for the neutrality of Rhodes

or to the Lamia rebellion

+ 1 PP
presents from a neutral power + 1 PP
destruction of an enemy fleet, an élite or a Guards unit during a battle + 3 PP's
defeat of the Diadokhos during a battle - 1 PP
repulse of a Diadokhos during a battle + 1 PP

Play by mail rules

 Conditional orders are allowed, if conditioned by prior actions (not concomitant actions). As well, winter turns may be associated with autumn turns for a faster game.

 All kinds of press are accepted (white, grey and black) - except insults and "politically very incorrect" speech.

 In case of contesting or loophole, the GM decisions are final until further improvements of the rules.

 NMR : the units which were besieging an enemy citadel carry on their missions. All other units hold.

 NRR : if a player has not given retreat orders, a dislodged unit will retreat 1) into the province closest to the front, or 2) the province closest to the capital city, or 3) into a friendly citadel located in the origin province. If 2 or more provinces are eligible, the unit retreats at random. If no retreat is possible, the unit is disbanded immediately.

 The deadline should be set as 5 or 6 weeks.

8. Diadokhoi variants for less than 6 players

General rules

There are no more treasures in the cities already owned.

The capital city of Antigonos is Sardes. The capital city of Eumenes is Ariararthea.

Minor powers are neutral at the origin (Byzantium, Petra, Rhodes, Cassandra, Demetrios, Polysperchon, Pyrrhos of Epiria, Antigonos II). All minor powers except Pyrrhos have a limitation in the number of units they can own : this number can not exceed the number of main citadels they own (Pella being the equivalent of 3 citadels, and an élite or a Guards being the equivalent of 2 armies).

In each variant, Byzantium has F Bos, Petra has A Nab and Rhodes F Rho.

The Lamia war can not occur any more. When Rome intervenes, the Guards of Pyrrhos is immediately convoyed to Italy.

As of - 308, the Etolian uprising and the Gauls attack together, the Orientals satraps exist no longer and all members of the royal family have died.

As of - 296, neutral citadels are defended by a militia in the province, all the Epigonoi are active together with the Diadokhoi and the Etolian uprising (Am The, controlling Delphi and Lamia) may be allied with Pyrrhos.

5 players

Antipatros has died. The game starts in - 319. Philippos and Eurydice, Roxane and Alexandros are in Pella. Cleopatra is married with Antigonos. Currently, there is a revolt in Thracia, a secession of the Greeks of Media and the Oriental satraps are wishing to ally with a western diadokhos. Eumenes can give a royal order.

- Antigonos : A Ion, Ae * Phr, A Pis. 2000 talents in Sardes.
- Eumenes : Ag * Cap, A Com.
- Lysimachos : A * Che, A Ist, F Pro.
- Ptolemaios : F Cyp, F Cre, F Cyr, A * Phe. 1000 talents in Alexandria.
- Seleukos : A * Chd, A Per, A LMe.

Neutral powers
- Cassandra : F Cha, Ae Cassandra Mac.

- Polysperchon and Olympias : A Olympias Eto, F Eub.

- Am Thr, Am Med, Am Hyr.

- Antigonos : Sardes, Gordion, Ephese, Isaura, Car, Ion, Lyd, Pam, Pis.
- Eumenes : Ariararthea, Ankyra, Laranda, Nora, Anc, Cap, Com, Lyc.
- Lysimachos : Lysimachia, Cyzique, Che, Hel, Ist.
- Ptolemaios : Alexandria, Cyrene, Gaza, Peluse, Salamine, Cyp, Cyr, Dam, Egy, Idu, Pal, Phe.
- Seleukos : Babylone, Parsagades, Chd, LMe, Per.
- Cassandra : Pella, Lamia, Pydna, Cha, Mac, The.
- Polysperchon and Olympias : Athens, Sparta, Delphi, Arc, Att; Eto, Lac.

4 players

Antipatros and Eumenes have died. The game starts in - 308. Demetrios has become an army commander on his father's side.

- Antigonos : F Cyc, F Eol, A + Demetrios Ion, A Ass, Ae * Mes.
- Lysimachos : A * Thr, F Bit, F Ist.
- Ptolemaios : F Cyp, F * Cre, F Cyr, A Phe. 2000 talents in Alexandria.
- Seleukos : A * Chd, A Per, A LMe.

 Neutral powers
- Cassandra : A Att, Ag Cassandra Mac.
- Polysperchon : A Lac
- Pyrrhos of Epiria : Ag Tau.

- Antigonos : Sardes, Ankyra, Ariararthea, Gordion, Issos, Soloï, Ephese, Isaura, Laranda, Nora, Anc, Cap, Car, Cil, Dam, Ion, Lyc, Lyd, Mes, Pam, Pis, Syr.
- Lysimachos : Lysimachia, Cyzique, Heraclea of the Pont, Bit, Cha, Che, Hel, Ist, Thr.
- Ptolemaios : Alexandria, Cyrene, Gaza, Peluse, Salamine, Cyp, Cre, Cyr, Egy, Idu, Pal, Phe.
- Seleukos : Babylone, Parsagades, Chd, LMe, Per.
- Cassandra : Pella, Athens, Lamia, Pydna, Att, Mac, The.
- Polysperchon and Olympias : Sparta, Arc, Lac.
- Pyrrhos of Epiria : Tarenta, Ita, Tau.

3 players

Antigonos, Antipatros and Eumenes have died. The game starts in - 296. Currently, there is a revolt in Thracia.

- Lysimachos : F Ege, F Pro, Ae * Car, A Agathocles Cha, A Che.
- Ptolemaios : F + Ptolemaios II InS, F Cre, F Cyr, Ae * Phe, A Dam. 2000 talents in Alexandria.
- Seleukos : A Com, A Lyc, Ae Antiochos Mes, Ag * Syr, A LMe.

 Neutral powers
- Demetrios : F Eub, F Eol, F RhS, Ae * Ion.
- Pyrrhos of Epiria : Ag Tau.

- Am Thr

- Lysimachos : Lysimachia, Gordion, Cyzique, Car, Cha, Che, Hel, Ist, Lyd, Phr.
- Ptolemaios : Alexandria, Cyrene, Gaza, Peluse, Suse, Cre, Cyr, Dam, Egy, Idu, Pal, Phe.
- Seleukos : Babylone, Ariararthea, Parsagades, Ecbatana, Arm, Ass, Cap, Chd, Com, LMe, Lyc, Med, Mes, Per, Sus, Syr.
- Demetrios : Issos, Milet, Soloï, Sparta, Tyr, Ephese, Salamine, Arc, Cil, Cyp, Ion, Lac, Lyd, Pam, The.
- Cassandra : Pella, Athens, Lamia, Pydna, Att, Mac, The.
- Polysperchon and Olympias : Sparta, Arc, Lac.
- Pyrrhos of Epiria : Tarenta, Ita, Tau.

2 players

Ptolemaios II vs Antiochos I. The game starts in summer - 277. Currently, there is a revolt in Thracia, one in Armenia and the Pirates of the Pont are active.

- Ptolemaios : F InS, F Cre, F Cyr, Ae * Phe, A Dam. 8000 talents in Alexandria.
- Antiochos : A Com, A Lyc, Ae Mes, Ag * Syr, A LMe. 2000 talents in Babylone.

 Neutral powers
- Antigonos II : F Eub, F Ion, A Arc, A * Mac.
- Pyrrhos of Epiria : Ag Tau.

- Am Thr, Am Arm, F WPE, F EPE.

- Antigonos : Pella, Lysimachia, Pydna, Arc, Cha, Che, Mac.
- Pyrrhos of Epiria : Tau.
- Ptolemaios : Alexandria, Cyrene, Milet, Soloi, Tyr, Gaza, Peluse, Salamine, Suse, Car, Cil, Cre, Cyp, Cyr, Egy, Idu, Pal, Pam, Phe.
- Antiochos : Babylone, Ariararthea, Issos, Parsagades, Ecbatane, Arm, Ass, Cap, Chd, Com, Dam, LMe, Med, Mes, Per, Sus, Syr.

How to control neutral powers

Each player has a few political points (PP's). Before every spring, every player invests PP's into the neutral powers. Players may buy extra PP's by spending 1000 talents for 1 PP. The bids are kept secret until they are all made public simultaneously.

Each power has an activation margin (AM) for each Diadokhos. The player with the most PP's in one power gains its control (take-over bid), provided he has a margin - between his PP's and the sum of all other Diadokhoi's PP's - greater than the AM. Several players may simultaneously gain control of the power : they will have to write the very same order for each unit of the neutral power (otherwise, that unit will not move).

The political influence lasts for one year only. When a Diadokhos has gained control of a power, his AM becomes 0 (zero). If a Diadokhos attacks a neutral power, he loses all the PP's he had invested in it, and he loses the control of it if he was currently controlling it. A neutral power can not provide help to a unit which is besieging one of its citadels.

Every winter, the AM of each power lessens by 1.


Rhodes, Byzantium and Nabatena : 6. Cassandra : 8. Polysperchon : 4. Antigonos II : 6. Pyrrhos of Epira : 3. Demetrios : 3.

In - 319, Antigonos controls Cassandra with 4 PP's and Eumenes controls Polysperchon with 5 PP's. Ptolemaios and Lysimachos both have 4 PP's in Epira (Pyrrhos) and Seleukos has 3 PP's in Demetrios. In - 277, Antiochos II has 4 PP's in Antigonos II.

Optional rule

Rebels who have completed their missions or mercenaries of a dead Diadokhoi have an AM. This AM is equal to : 1 + number of VP's of the power (in terms of citadels and Argeades) + military force (sum of the forces of all units).

Example : Antipatros is assassinated in - 320. He leaves a Guards in Pella. The AM is equal to 6 (1 + 3 + 2).